Friday, August 29, 2014

Useless Banter For Now

Pragmatic,. I said I was pragmatic. People don't take me seriously. I only know this because Felicia  told me this.  I work a lot. I'm Orange Leaf's best cashier - not much of an accomplishment. I'm the best because I'm a pushover and I'm a mat; people take advantage of me. They either yell at me, take things out on me, or they try to get free stuff out of me. I know this because Felicia told me this, she's my manager. She sticks up for me sometimes. I'm more or less grateful; I'd rather stick up for myself. I'm pragmatic. I'm afraid of wasting time. I'm sick and I woke up late. I always wake up late; but this mornings late is later than usual. I left my homework at home; my teachers don't care. There is no compassion in people anymore.